Les missionnaires jésuites installent leur mission auprès de la communauté Huron-Wendat. What are the different hardware that will be needed by producer of the voice mail the srvice provider and the beneficiary. Sainte-Marie-au-pays-des-Hurons était un centre missionnaire jésuite au XVII e siècle situé au bord de la Wye près de la baie Georgienne sur le lac Huron en Nouvelle-France. Sainte-Marie among the Hurons (French: Sainte-Marie-au-pays-des-Hurons) was a French Jesuit settlement in Wendake, the land of the Wendat, near modern Midland, Ontario, from 1639 to 1649.It was the first European settlement in what is now the province of Ontario.Eight missionaries from Sainte-Marie were martyred, and were canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in 1930. What is the sainte Marie among the hurons mission? Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons (French: Sainte-Marie-au-pays-des-Hurons) was a French Jesuit settlement in Wendake, the land of the Wendat, near modern Midland, Ontario, from 1639 to 1649.It was the first non-aboriginal settlement in what is now the province of Ontario.Eight missionaries from Sainte-Marie were martyred, and were canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in 1930. Sainte-Marie-au-pays-des-Hurons était un centre missionnaire jésuite au XVII e siècle situé au bord du marais Wye (en) près de la baie Georgienne sur le lac Huron en Nouvelle-France.Abandonné en 1649 et reconstruit ailleurs par les missionnaires car souvent attaqué par les Iroquois, il fut reconstitué tel qu'en l'état vers 1920 et est devenu une attraction touristique importante de l'Ontario Karol Garnier SJ, Charles Garnier (ur.25 maja 1606 w Paryżu, zm. Sainte-Marie among the Hurons (French: Sainte-Marie-au-pays-des-Hurons) was a French Jesuit settlement in Wendake, the land of the Wendat, near modern Midland, Ontario, from 1639 to 1649.It was the first European settlement in what is now the province of Ontario. Eight missionaries from Sainte-Marie were martyred, and were canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in 1930. Sainte-Marie among the Hurons (French: Sainte-Marie-au-pays-des-Hurons) was a French Jesuit settlement in Wendake, the land of the Wendat, near modern Midland, Ontario, from 1639 to 1649.It was the first European settlement in what is now the province of Ontario. Sainte-Marie-au-pays-des-Hurons (engl.Sainte-Marie among the Hurons) war eine Missionsstation der Jesuiten in Wendake, dem Land der Wyandot, unweit des heutigen Midland in der kanadischen Provinz Ontario.Die Station an der Georgsbucht, einer großen Bucht des Huronsees, bestand von 1639 bis 1649 und stellt die erste nichtindianische Siedlung in der Provinz dar.